National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Air Force Weather Agency
Federal Highway Administration
The THunderstorm Operational Research (THOR) Project


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What is THOR?

THOR is a multi-year, multi-agency effort aimed at improving thunderstorm watches, warnings, and forecasts for the American public and getting the most out of each U.S. tax dollar.

What are the goals of THOR?

  1. Establish operational baseline accuracy for thunderstorm forecasts at multiple projections starting from 30 minutes and extending to 48 hours.
  2. Establish operational baseline accuracy for tornado detection.
  3. Prototype a seamless operational suite of digital/graphical thunderstorm forecasts and warnings for the general public, emergency managers, and high impact government agencies.
  4. Prototype an operational automated thunderstorm forecast verification system.
  5. Provide a societal impacts evaluation of current operational and prototypical severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings.

Who is involved with THOR?

Why do we need THOR?

We need to answer important questions like:

National Weather Service
Last Modified: 19 July 2000, RLS.