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Transition chart of AWIPS to AWIPS 2

Science and Technology Seminar

The Evolution of AWIPS

Jason Tuell

Analysis Branch

Systems Engineering Center

Office of Science and Technology

AWIPS, the integrating element of the National Weather Service modernization, is undergoing an extensive software re-architecture and conversion to a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Raytheon Technical Services will be converting the AWIPS infrastructure to an SOA over the next year, then migrating the current baseline software and functionality to the new architecture by FY2009. Deployment of the next generation of AWIPS is expected to be completed in FY2010.
Extensive progress has been made in the last year. The new architecture has been defined and delivered in the form of the AWIPS Development Environment version 1.0. Over the next 18 months, Raytheon will use the ADE 1.0 to migrate the functionality represented by more than 4.5M lines of code to the new architecture. At the end of this migration, the new system will deliver today’s functionality with a more modern and robust architecture. The National Weather Service plans to deliver significant new system enhancements built on this new architectural foundation.
This seminar will describe the current progress of the transition to the new architecture along with future plans for AWIPS Evolution. This seminar will also describe some of the attendant benefits of the new architecture and approach.


September 05, 2007

2:00 3:00 p.m. ET

SSMC#2, Room 2358

(Contact: Bob Glahn at (301) 713-1768)

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