Announcement of 0600/1800 UTC AVN MOS Guidance:

On or about October 16, 2001, we will be implementing new 0600/1800 UTC AVN MOS guidance packages for the same sites and in the same format as the current 0000/1200 UTC packages. The alphanumeric text messages will be available on AWIPS under the MAV product identifier and on the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) and the Family of Services with the WMO headeers FOPA20, FOUS21-26, and FOAK37-39. Please note that these are the same product identifiers used for the 0000/1200 UTC packages. Products containing all of the AVN MOS guidance in BUFR are also available. For the WMO headers of the BUFR products, please see:

Note that in this first implementation of the 0600/1800 UTC AVN MOS guidance products, guidance will not be available for all weather elements. In the October implementation, guidance will be available for wind speed and direction, total sky cover, ceiling height, and precipitation type. During implementations which are scheduled for later during the fall of 2001, we will add guidance for max/min temperature, surface temperature and dew point, probability of precipitation, precipitation amount, thunderstorms, and severe weather. Guidance for visibility and obstruction to vision will be added to the messages during the Spring of 2002.

The 0600/1800 UTC packages will be issued at approximately 1030/2230 UTC. Because we have used the same WMO headers, please note that these guidance packages will update the previous 0000/1200 UTC packages in the user's database. Users may want to ensure that they retain adequate previous 0000/1200 UTC products to maintain a complete set of weather element guidance. Further details regarding the AVN MOS (MAV) 0600/1800 UTC bulletins can be found in the Technical Procedures Bulletin (TPB) listed below.

Dallavalle, J.P., and M. C. Erickson, 2001: AVN-based MOS guidance - The 0600/1800 UTC alphanumeric messages. NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 481, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 9pp.

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Page created October 10, 2001