Definitions of Categorical Elements

MAV/MET Cloud Amount (CLD) Categories (Modified 5/18/2004)
CL clear
FW > 0/8 to 2/8 of total sky covered
SC > 2/8 to 4/8 of total sky covered
BK > 4/8 to < 8/8 of total sky covered
OV 8/8 of total sky covered

MAV/MET Ceiling Height (CIG) Categories
(Modified 5/18/2004)
1 less than 200 ft
2 200 to 400 ft
3 500 to 900 ft
4 1000 to 1900 ft
5 2000 to 3000 ft
6 3100 to 6500 ft
7 6600 to 12000 ft
8 greater than 12000 ft or unlimited

MAV/MET Visibility (VIS) Categories
(Modified 5/18/2004)
1 less than 1/2 mile
2 1/2 to < 1 mile
3 1 to < 2 miles
4 2 to < 3 miles
5 3 to 5 miles
6 6 miles
7 greater than 6 miles

MAV/MET Obstruction to Vision (OBV) Categories
N none of the following
HZ haze, smoke, dust
BR mist (fog w/vis >= 5/8 mile)
FG fog or ground fog (vis < 5/8 mile)
BL blowing dust, sand, snow

MAV Precipitation Type (TYP) Categories
Z freezing rain/drizzle, ice pellets, or
anything mixed with freezing precip
S pure snow or snow grains
R pure rain/drizzle or rain mixed with snow
MEX QPF Categories
0 no precipitation
1 0.01 to 0.09 inches
2 0.10 to 0.24 inches
3 0.25 to 0.49 inches
4 0.50 to 0.99 inches
5 1.00 to 1.99 inches
6 2.00 inches or greater

MEX Cloud (CLD) Categories
CL mostly clear                  
PC partly cloudy
OV mostly cloudy

MEX Precipitation Type (TYP) Categories
Z freezing rain/drizzle, ice pellets, or
anything mixed with freezing precip
S pure snow or snow grains
RS rain/drizzle and snow mixed
R pure rain/drizzle