Weather elements and forecast projections of proposed MRF-based guidance products. Projections are given in hours after the initial cycle time of 0000 UTC. The third column indicates the status of the weather element as compared to the current operational MRF MOS guidance.
Element Forecast Projections Status Comments
Max Temp 24 - 192,

every 24 hrs

Same Daytime Maximum

(7 a.m. - 7 p.m. LST)

Min Temp 36 - 180,

every 24 hrs

Same Nighttime Minimum

(7 p.m. - 8 a.m. LST)

Temperature 12 - 192,

every 6 hrs

New 2-m Shelter Temperature
Dew Point 12 - 192,

every 6 hrs

New 2-m Shelter Temperature
PoP (12-h) 24 - 192,

every 12 hrs

Same Probability of > 0.01 inches of liquid- equivalent precipitation during a 12-h period.
PoP (24-h) 36 - 192,

every 12 hrs; new system provides 24-h PoP ending at both 0000 and 1200 UTC.

Change Probability of > 0.01 inches of liquid- equivalent precipitation during a 24-h period. Current system combines 12-h PoP to get 24-h PoP; new system predicts

24-h value directly.

PQPF (12-h) 24 - 156,

every 12 hrs

New Probability of > 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00 inches during a 12-h period.

Categorical precipitation amount.

PQPF (24-h) 36 - 156,

every 12 hrs; 24-h PQPF ending at both 0000 and 1200 UTC.

New Probability of > 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, and 3.00 inches during a 24-h period. Categorical precipitation amount.
Wind 24 - 192, every 12 hrs Change Current system predicts the mean wind over 12-h period; new system will provide the probability of the maximum wind during the 12-h period falling into three categories: < 10 kts, 11 - 21 kts, > 22 kts as well as a categorical forecast.
Clouds 24 - 192, every 12 hrs Change Current system predicts the mean cloudiness over a 12-h period; new system will provide the probability of the average total sky cover falling into three categories: mostly clear, partly cloudy, and mostly overcast. The corresponding categorical forecast will be indicated in the message by CL, PC, OV.
PTYPE 24 - 192, every 12 hrs Change Current system predicts the conditional probability of snow; new system will include the conditional probabilty of freezing, frozen, liquid, or mixed liquid/frozen precipitation as well as a categorical forecast.