Part XI:   Summary and references

Although, given 100% accurate ICs and other conditions, the atmospheric system itself and numerical prediction models should be deterministic in theory. But, in reality, due to intrinsic uncertainties in IC and model configurations plus chaotic nature of nonlinear models, forecast uncertainty and predictability limit is a very real and important property of NWP. Without quantifying uncertainty, a forecast is incomplete. A complete forecast should be in a probabilistic distribution with uncertainty expressed but not in a single deterministic value. Ensemble forecasting is a dynamical approach to quantify forecast uncertainty. It’s a relatively new but a rapidly developing branch of NWP and expected to become a main tool in weather, climate and water prediction in near future. Ensemble forecasting is most valuable when large uncertainty is around and forecasters don’t know what solution to choose from in mainly high-impact events and has minimal value when weather is quiescent and highly predictable (although one still needs ensemble to identify such occasions). Currently, many major NWP centers around the world have already operationally implemented various ensemble prediction systems as part of their daily production although those EPSs are still in primitive and evolving stage. More and more forecasters and other users are lean toward using ensemble products instead of single deterministic model run nowadays. This trend will certainly continue in years to come. The ensemble-based NWP paradigm is superior to the single-value base forecast by providing flow-dependent uncertainty information besides an improved most probably single solution and taking observation and IC errors into account too. To complete a smooth transition from single-forecast based paradigm to ensemble based one, much effort is needed. Education, coordination and training should play a key role in this transition. The recent U.S. National Research Council report - Completing the Forecast: Characterizing and Communicating Uncertainty for Better Decisions Using Weather and Climate Forecasts - is a good example of this effort. The currently going on UCAR COMET classroom training courses and local weather forecasting office’s training workshop etc. are all good formats in training and education efforts.

The primary mission of ensemble forecasting is to reliably quantify forecast uncertainty and accurately describe a flow-dependent forecast error distribution to have the truth be always encompassed by ensemble cloud. In general, three types of product can be derived from an ensemble: a most probable single solution or consensus forecast, uncertainty measure and a distribution of all possible solutions. There are still many areas to be explored to maximize the utility of an ensemble, for example, how to better express and convey ensemble information to users in a comprehensive and easily-understandable way; complementary role between higher-resolution single model run and lower-resolution ensemble forecasts; better post-processing of ensemble forecasts including statistical and dynamical approaches, ensemble MOS, usage of re-forecasting or hindcast dataset and downscaling; and economic-value based decision-making process in using forecast uncertainty and probabilistic information.

To better accomplish the ensemble forecasting mission, a 3-dimentional type of EPS is needed by fully capturing all uncertainty sources from IC dimension, model-configuration dimension and history-memory dimension. Certainly, many needs to be further investigated and improved such as how to best couple with data assimilation in IC perturbation generating, stochastic physics perturbation and the value of history-memory dimension. Flow-dependent adaptive multi-EPS across the full spectrum of multi-scales is an area of interest and exploration. Theoretical ensemble or error dynamics is yet to be developed to fully understand how error evolves and propagates in the governing equations of a model.

Uncertainty is the only thing certain in the real world. Downstream application of meteorological ensemble forecasting is high in demanding and a rapidly growing area. Besides driving many downstream prediction systems like hydrology, air quality, storm surge, ocean wave, dispersion, geological prediction and electricity generation etc., adaptive/targeted observation is a special area of application within meteorology itself. Taking uncertainty into picture is a step forward in science and a way to better serve society and people. For the further reading about predictability of weather and climate, readers are referred to Palmer and Hagedorn (2006).


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