Part VII:   How to communicate forecast uncertainty and use probability information in decision-making process?

No matter how accurate a forecast is, a forecast is valuable only until it is correctly understood and used by an end-user to make a decision and take a necessary action upon it (Murphy, 1985). Therefore, the way to effectively and accurately communicate a forecast to end-users is critical since it determines what kind of information a user might get. This is particularly true and important for a forecast in probabilistic form. A same piece of probability information can lead one to take very different actions based on ways of expression. For example, a psychological experiment shows that given two jars, one with 1 red and 9 white balls and another with 10 red and 90 white balls in it respectively, if one can randomly pick one ball (only once) out of any one of the two jars of his own choice and wins an award if the ball he picks is red, it’s found that one is more likely to go to the jar with 100 balls to play the gamble hoping more chance (10 instead of 1 red balls!) to pick a red ball although the probability is exactly the same 10% mathematically. In general, what a user gets is often less than what we tell and what we tell is often less than what we know, which indicates rooms for improvement in communicating weather information. How to better convey probabilistic forecast information to end-users is still new to meteorological community and needs to be carefully studied together with scientists in behavioral sciences.

How to apply probabilistic information to decision-making is often most confusing to many people. One might complain what should I do with it if a probability says 50%, half right half wrong? As discussed in the Part 6, given a reliable ensemble system, a 50% forecast means that in 50 times out of 100 such “50%” forecasts of the event will actually occur and 50 times not occur. Thus, this information has significant economical value to a specific business based on its dependence on weather. Table 1 lists possible economic losses and costs involved in a damage-causing weather event under various decisions, where Lu is the loss that cannot be protected against, Lp the loss that can be protected against and C the cost of protection. The benefit of taking action if the event does occur is the difference between L and (Lu + C), while the risk of taking action is wasting the cost C if the event doesn’t occur. Therefore, for a reliable P% forecast, the possible benefit and risk are, respectively,

                                 Benefit = P% x [L – (Lu + C)] = P% (Lp - C)                                 (6)

                                 Risk = (1-P%) x C                                                                      (7)

For a reliable P% probabilistic forecast

Action taken (as “yes” forecast)

No action taken (as “no” forecast)

Event occur (p%)

Smaller mitigated loss Lu + a cost C with possibility of P%

Bigger total Loss L=Lp+Lu with possibility of P%

Event not occur (1-p%)

No loss but a cost C with possibility of (1-P%)

No cost and no loss with possibility of (1-P%)

Table 1: Potential economic loss and cost involved in a weather forecast by decisions.

Logically, a decision should be made based on the Benefit/Risk ratio. When the ratio > 1.0, one should take action; when the ratio < 1.0, no action; when the ratio close to 1.0, either way might result in similar economic consequence. The Benefit/Risk ratio (related to Lp and C) is strongly user dependent. Figure 13 shows that “user 1” is very sensitive to weather and takes action when probability is close to 20%, “user 3” is not much dependant on weather and takes no action until probability approaches to 80%, “user 2” is moderately dependent on weather and takes action when probability is around 50%, and “user 4” is totally weather independent and takes no action at all no matter how accurate a forecast is. Obviously, this ratio varies also with location such as city or countryside, time such as weekday or weekend, rush hour or non-rush hour, and event significance such as casual or formal activities, political or non-political gatherings etc.. To better serve society and people, meteorologists should work together with individual end-users to carefully develop optimal decision-making tools based on Benefit/Risk ratio to maximize the utility of probabilistic weather forecasting information.

Figure 13

Please note that besides quantitatively conveying forecast uncertainty such as probability, forecast uncertainty can often be expressed qualitatively too such as via tone of voice, choice of words and even body language especially in TV or radio broadcasting to general public. Some kind of explanation why this particular forecast is to be so uncertain will be very helpful to users in correctly receiving information and making best decisions. For example, a forecaster needs to frankly explain to public that the precipitation type, snow or rain, is very hard to be determined but both are possible for tomorrow’s weather because the local area is just near the freezing line (0°C or 32°F temperature zone).

Contact  Jun Du